Wednesday, May 19, 2010

lets chat


betty said...

I do hope Amber pursues the nails; I think its a great start. And you are so right, Kelli, people nowadays need a trade or something to fall back upon. My hubby always says that people need three things they can do to make money in case one fails, move to the other, etc. And they need to also pick something that a computer won't be able to replace them with. And I don't think they are going to have robots cutting hair or doing nails anytime soon. So I think that was a wise suggestion for Amber.

got a question, I've been writing weekly to Chris (missed it last week when we were out of town because I forgot to take his address with me). How long will he be in training there at the address you gave me? I just want to make sure he isn't some place else instead. And can he get care packages or not?

I think it is neat you and the girls are doing a Bible study together! It sounds enjoyable

thanking Jesus for the little kittie's feeling better after its fall

have a good day


Happy Being Me said...

I love the way your blogging. It's just like having morning coffee with a friend. I have to say from experience, it sure helps to have many trades under your belt. I am an RN, a cosmetologist (persued hair more than nails ~ I felt everyone needs their hair cut from time to time, but to have your nails done is a luxury) and because I'm so anal, I organize and stage homes. If one fails I others to fall back on.

Your a wonderful lady full of great advice. Props to you girlfriend,
Take care and enjoy the rest of your week,

About Me

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lake elsinore, ca
I am a stay at home mom. I am also married to a veteran and he is the love of my life. I keep it real here and I hold nothing back. My life is a roller coaster ride, so strap on your seatbelt.... here we go!